Renovation was no-joke! I can't describe everything in detail. I guess some of these before and after photos will tell the story. It's actually a complete renovation of the house. As my husband say, "Parang lot and framework lang binili natin."
This is the old living room. The former owner had enormous sofas, wall cabinets and consoles that are all over the place. Notice that there's a dog near my feet. She actuallys allows her dirty askal to roam around the whole house! On a positive note, we both like warm lights instead of stark flourescents.
Here's our version of the same space. We made drop ceilings to hide the lights installation, and create depth, installed ceilings fans, for some breeze. In the windows, we made built-in seating, which has storage underneath. This became the favorite nooks of the kids and the helpers watching the goings-on in the street below
I wanted a cheery, happy living room, so we painted one of the walls - bright sunny yellow. We installed our home theater in the living room, because there's nowhere else to place it. I would have wanted a home theater, but it's kinda impossible on this townhouse!
We have some paintings, which we bought from Bali, waiting to be installed on the walls. Ted volountered to do them, but he hasn't find the time yet. I'm not so keen on curtains. It's homey, cute but too traditional and commonplace for my taste. Ted and I are still debating whether curtains or blinds. Besides, we're still saving up to settle some obligations!! So, Those little things have to wait awhile.
This is what the old dining area looks like.
As you can see, she has a passion for pink. Pink Curtains, pink walls and that garish bluegreen "roller-painted" images of leaves running all over the ceilings. Clutter all-over. eeww!
Here's our version of the dining area.
We didn't buy new tables, because a 4seater is still enough for our small family. Though a 6seater is also perfect for this space. Besides, I wanted more space... plenty of space to move around. Thank God, my husband was tolerant of me, wanting a redish-orangish color because I read somewhere that it stimulates appetite. The embossed wall, as my friend Rommel, who helped make sense of my style puts it, is a Statement. The oomph that this little unit needs. On top of the wall, there are installed warm lights, which creates a glow while we're dining. We haven't got around to buying lights on the ceiling. I wanted a something that will really go with the wall. For now, the soft glow from the wall is enough to guide our dining pursuits.
This is the old kitchen.
What can i say? She has too much going on! The cabinets, for sure, have termites. They really had to go. The pics will speak for itself
The new kitchen for the lady of the house! I would have done something on the marble countertop, but taking them off will be too much trouble. Non-fire stove, conductor microwave ovens, high-tech rice cooker that can cook bulalo as well, all electricity-powered, and, in modern black and silver color! My dearest husband thinks of everything! I better produce some culinary creations to make all these modernity worth it.
I'd rather not post my complete side by side of my documentation process of the whole renovation. Suffice to say that some of the "before" photos might disturb some of your sensibilities.
So, here are photos of the newly renovated unit. We havent' gotten around to buying a lot of furnishings. For now, we're making do of what we have accumulated from the past years.
I'm especially proud of this window treatment at the master's bedroom because I was the one who designed it. We don't have a home office, so I had a built-in desk made overlooking the window. Underneath are open shelves for my little brick-a-bracks and a drawer and cabinet to put in all our paper clutter. I love that i can look over the window, and get a view over the treetops.
Some of the other parts of the house:
The dirty kitchen, at the end of the garage, on the 1st floor
Our Lanai at the roofdeck, which is temporarily being used as drying area.